Hiring a Call Center Provider Helps Foster Customer Loyalty

Hiring a call center provider encourages customer loyalty by providing companies with frontline services to handle any type of customer concern immediately. This, in turn, promotes customer satisfaction. This is why companies should look for a trustworthy provider.

According to a study, conducted by Lee Resource Inc., attracting new customers is five times more expensive than keeping old ones mainly because of the ads and other promotional materials that companies need to invest in. On the other hand, according to a study conducted by the White House Office of Consumer Affairs in Washington, DC, happy and satisfied customers whose problems are resolved quickly tell four to six other people about their positive customer service experience.

These studies show that customer loyalty helps companies save money on advertising and generate income through word of mouth advertising. Here are the frontline services a call center provides to help facilitate this:

First Call Resolution

First call resolution occurs when customer service agents are able to resolve or answer the concerns of customers within their first call. This is determined by the analytical capacity of the available call center software to provide the necessary customer information, and the agents' ability to use this information to handle billing and other concerns without bringing it up to other departments.

Under first call resolution, there are two other factors that help foster customer loyalty. These are:

• Fast-tracking of Complaints – Through the software they use, agents should be able to fetch all necessary customer information to help them resolve the problem. Agents should also be able to interface with relevant departments in the company if the problem requires their input.
• Knowledgeable and Highly-trained Agents – Agents should be well-trained to handle any type of concern or query quickly, respectfully, and professionally.

Low Wait Times

One common reason why some companies fail to keep customers loyal is due to an unresponsive team constantly putting them on hold. To prevent this, a call center provider ensures that that the number of agents can handle the typical volume of calls without putting any on hold. This in turn keeps customers satisfied with their experience.

By enhancing the customer experience with personnel ready to take their calls and answer their concerns, companies can enjoy the perks of retaining loyal clients and naturally increase their sales.